1 crushed clove of garlic

1 small onion – diced
½ inch piece of ginger
Lemon juice
1 cup of peanut butter
Chilli (to taste)
Salt and pepper
Dessicated coconut – 1 dessert spoon
Handful of sultanas
1 tblsp of brown sugar

·       Heat oil in saucepan and fry garlic, ginger onion and chilli until soft
·       Add peanut butter, coconut, and squeeze of lemon juice, sultanas and salt and pepper.
·       Continually add water while stirring over heat until desired consistency is reached.

Fruit chutney could be used instead of sultanas.

Serving suggestions:
Goes great with steamed veg and rice for a ‘gado gado’ kind of meal.

Use as a dip.

Spread on toast or rice cakes.